The Market Italian

With the success of The Market Asian and with an available space next door, Sovino Group wanted to add on to their existing “The Market”-concept – this time with an Italian twist. 

Drawing inspiration from traditional Venetian decor, the restaurant features a stunning array of mirrors and reflective surfaces, creating a sense of elegance. The combination of luxurious materials, stunning lighting, and carefully curated artworks creates an atmosphere with references to the Italian rivieras.


Copenhagen, Denmark




210 m²


Concept Development
Space Planning
Bespoke Interior Design


The centerpiece of the restaurant is a 14-meter-long velvet sofa in a deep Racing Green hue, which serves as a luxurious focal point for guests to gather around. Surrounding the sofa, marble tables are arranged in a way that invites guests to sit and savor the delicious Italian cuisine served at the restaurant.

The use of marble throughout the space adds to the sense of luxury and sophistication, while also providing a classic and timeless aesthetic. Adding to the overall atmosphere of Italian-style opulence are photographs by New York-based fashion photographer Kenneth Willardt, which decorate the walls and create a sense of artistic sophistication.

The Venetian-style chandeliers add to the opulent atmosphere, casting a warm and inviting glow over the space as well as the custommade waiterstations for wineglasses and cutlery – which draws inspiration from the classic Louis Vuitton travel trunks – evokes a luxurious and cozy atmosphere.


Egmont Reception


Egmont Canteen